장애인 유튜브 크리에이터들의 영상 제작 활동과 정동 체험에 대한 사례연구 들뢰즈와 과타리의 ‘정동’과 ‘양식-역설’의 사유를 중심으로
한국언론학보 | 한국언론학회 | 46 pages| 2022.03.21| 파일형태 :
조회 1270 다운로드 0
The purpose of this study is to explore the video production activities and affective
experiences of YouTube creators with disabilities, and to explore the direction of alternative
and paradoxical practices to overcome socially dominant perceptions about the disabled. To
this end, we draw on Deleuze and Guattari’s and Spinoza’s thoughts on affect to analyze the
affective experience in YouTube production activities. We then incorporate the notions of
‘bon sens’ and ‘paradoxa’ to discuss the problems in the dominant social perception of
people with disabilities and explore alternatives to overcome them. The study involved
YouTube creators with disabilities as research participants, and in-depth interviews were
conducted focusing on cases of video production activities. As a research method, an
instrumental case study of Steak was selected. First, we looked at the experience of social
discrimination and exclusion from the disabled and the opportunity to produce YouTube
videos. Research participants experienced discrimination and exclusion and felt a lack of
social awareness. Unlike broadcasting, YouTube directly organizes, produces, and edits the
lives of the disabled with less constraints in the range of themes. In addition, YouTube was
not only a space for play and information delivery, but also included elements of
communication, awareness improvement, and empathy through subscribers, comments, and
communities. Second, the research participant analyzed the types of affect experienced
through YouTube. The study participants experienced emotions of sadness from malicious
comments and overload due to high expectations. Affect is a variation of emotions with
mobility from sadness to joy and from joy to sadness. Accordingly, the study participants
experienced transforming the emotions of sadness back into emotions of joy. Finally, the
perception of the problems of social style and paradoxical practice through YouTube were
analyzed. Some programs still perceived disability as being used only as a stimulating factor.
Disabled people often appear in programs and movies, but still have not escaped the existing
disability stereotypes. However, as various activities were possible through YouTube, the
paradoxical practice of the disabled could be discovered. The significance of this study is to
reveal the problems of social discrimination/exclusion and socially dominant ideas of the
disabled through empirical examples through YouTube video production activities, and to
find ways to realize the value of diversity and difference to overcome them.
Deleuze disabled person affect Youtube paradoxa
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