경찰홍보의 개선 방안에 관한 연구
동국대학교 | 113 pages| 2007.06.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1521 다운로드 0
Nowadays the police is regarded as not a separate one but a part of local community. So far, we examined the police publicity campaigns as a tool for participation and reinvigoration of citizen. And we find out that as a trouble solver, the police is tending to put more focus on service and cooperation factor. As the police publicity campaigns for local community notice them on a system of police activity, various policies and an operation results periodically, they can lead to interest in police activity of local community. Also it can be a chance to recognize the effectiveness at the same time. Therefore, except a reinvigoration of police activity, the following police publicity campaigns should be done for participation of citizen. First, it is needed to correct recognition on the police publicity activity, In the police activity, the police publicity can be effective only when the thought that police publicity is an additional or incidental, and police leaders` little understanding of publicity improves, Through these improvement, the interest and understanding of local community can be generated.
경찰홍보 전문 홍보 인력 적극적·지속적 홍보 대중매체의 적극적인 활용
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