Samsung : Don’t Just Watch
명상을 하며 Galaxy Watch3를 통해 심박수와 혈압을 체크합니다. 이 영상광고는 Galaxy Watch3의 심박수 체크 등의 기능을 통해 건강을 지키라는 메시지를 전하고자 제작된 Samsung의 광고였습니다.
Advertising Agency: RAPP, UK
Chief Creative Officer: Al Mackie
Creative Director: Sid Gordon
Senior Art Director: Luke Clark
Senior Copywriter: Dave Willis
Junior Motion Designer: Abhi Kamalanathan
Head of 3D Motion and Graphics: Jeffrey Osbourne
Senior Account Director: Jamie Marks
Senior Account Manager: Lisa Solomon
Strategy Director: Joe Hoppard
Strategist: Joe Morgan
Project Manager: Emma Jones
Agency Producer: Michelle Grainger
Director and Photographer: Will Douglas
Production Co: High Stakes Films
Producer: Sophie Oller